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Class Names


When customizing the style, you will need to use the css className. You can refer to these names for intervention customization. Of course, if you don't like to write the name on it like me, you can use the variables we provide.

export default {
root: 'bear-react-carousel__root',
content: 'bear-react-carousel__content',
container: 'bear-react-carousel__container',
containerInit: 'bear-react-carousel__container-init',
slideItem: 'bear-react-carousel__slide-item',
slideItemImage: 'bear-react-carousel__slide-item__image',
slideItemCard: 'bear-react-carousel__slide-item__card',
navGroup: 'bear-react-carousel__nav-group',
navPrevButton: 'bear-react-carousel__nav-prev-button',
navNextButton: 'bear-react-carousel__nav-next-button',
navIcon: 'bear-react-carousel__nav-icon',
paginationGroup: 'bear-react-carousel__pagination-group',
paginationButton: 'bear-react-carousel__pagination-button',
paginationContent: 'bear-react-carousel__pagination-content',

testNumber: 'bear-react-carousel__test-number',
testWindowSize: 'bear-react-carousel__window-size',
cloneIconGroup: 'bear-react-carousel__clone-icon-group',
cloneIcon: 'bear-react-carousel__clone-icon',

How to take advantage of this feature ?

import {elClassName} from 'bear-react-carousel';

const TextAnimationsRoot = styled.div`
--primary-color: #c4a265;


transform: translateY(-60px);
opacity: 1;

content: "";
background: url('/static/sample/food/blackt-will.png') center center repeat;
z-index: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0.5;



position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;

/* fix safari image auto width: 100% */
min-width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;

At first glance, this layer might appear to be unnecessary, but if we have a requirement to separate the pagination-group or nav, they would not be affected by the overflow from the outer layer.

The position: absolute; property on this layer can prevent some internal CSS settings from squeezing open the container.